


Design, develop and validate for the first time, a broad set of novel instruments for measuring radioactivity in seabed and water column.
RAMONES will develop novel radiometry instruments specially designed as payload to a group of new submarine platforms and vehicles. The focus is on employing and integrating the new generation of detectors and sensors, offering radiation imaging capabilities near the ocean seabed.

Design, develop and validate novel adaptation, self-deployment and self-awareness collaborative marine robotics capabilities for the efficient operation and sensing with the new marine radiometry instrumentation.
RAMONES will study, implement and offer optimal operation scenarios, enabling collaborative multi-agent robotic radioactivity monitoring and surveys of extended areas and volumes of the ocean waters. RAMONES will offer adaptive planning, versatile and autonomous operation, showcasing self-awareness abilities to be developed and optimised for the specific operations and sites.

Design, develop and validate novel statistical, artificial intelligence and environmental modelling methodologies for processing and modelling marine radioactivity multi-modal data. RAMONES will:

  • develop cutting-edge recurrent neural networks coupled with online learning frameworks for efficient time series analysis and abnormal radioactivity level detection/monitoring together with deep learning frameworks for detecting radioactivity hotspots from multi-dimensional imaging datasets.
  • develop novel modelling solutions for critical tasks including radiation dose and health risks assessment, geohazards and radiation modelling, industrial waste and radiation modelling.

Introduce novel monitoring and response channels to inform key socio-political stakeholders at regular intervals at medium to low frequencies.
Based on short-, medium- and long-term monitoring tools, RAMONES will forecast the chances of radioactivity levels over standard thresholds, and propose new risk indices and create policy recommendations, a disaster Response model, and a framework to support Policy Implementation Strategies.

Increase local/ citizen awareness and involvement based on diverse dissemination, communication and outreach activities, through scientific evidence and FAIR data principles. RAMONES is adopting several intense dissemination and communication strategies towards raising public awareness and attract citizen involvement through multiple identified channels and target groups.

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