
sensors Archives - RAMONES Project

International Conference of Applied Nuclear Physics 2024 with RAMONES presence

RAMONES representatives are participating in the International Conference of Applied Nuclear Physics taking place in Thessaloniki during 23-27 September 2024! The NKUA representatives of RAMONES (Prof. Theo J. Mertzimekis and PhD candidate Georgios Siltzovalis) showcased the innovative aspects of the project and initiated discussions for future collaborations with specialists form around the world. Key countries...

The RAMONES glider is set to embark for Santorini!

Ready to go! The RAMONES glider is ready to sail to Santorini, Greece, for the experiments of the final stage of the project! The development of both hardware and software was a collaborative effort between partners IST (Portugal), NTUA (Greece), Evologics (Germany), and PLOATECH (Spain), spanning almost four years. Following successful water trials, the glider...

RAMONES 2nd workshop in Athens

The 2nd workshop of RAMONES project was conducted in Athens during 17-18/01/2024 and proved to be a resounding success. During this event, we engaged in meaningful discussions surrounding different aspects of our project, including the progress of our instruments, forthcoming tests, and our overarching accomplishments. We had insightful talks about the recommendations and remarks for...

RAMONES collaborates with SANTORY in the field

The first close monitoring of the active submarine volcano Kolumbo, north of Santorini island, was achieved! A total of three oceanographic cruises were performed as part of our sister research project SANTORY with main objective to deploy various innovative instruments near the seabed inside the underwater volcano Kolumbo. The active hydrothermal vent system of Kolumbo (vents at...

Glider fieldtests performed in Lisbon

The RAMONES team had a great opportunity to work together in Lisbon to evaluate the glider’s hardware and software. The RAMONES partners from IST (Portugal), NTUA (Greece), Evologics (Germany) and PLOATECH (Spain) were involved in the work and experiments performed in IST-ID facilities in Lisbon (Doca dos Olivais) and later at the Castelo de Bode...

RAMONES first glider deployment

The RAMONES team are working hard for the first glider deployment in the marine environment in Portugal! All the partners of the project NTUA, PLOATECH, IST-ID are involved in the water fieldtests in order to test the glider and the sensors and software this device contains. A major milestone for our project has been achieved!...

RAMONES first instruments arrive at the lab

We are very happy to have the first wave of radiation detectors delivered to the NKUA lab premises. The γ-ray detectors will be the main instruments to carry out research in RAMONES and help us meet our objectives. Lots of work needs to be done (simulations, calibrations, lab and field testing) before final deployment aboard...

Detecting radioactivity in the environment: new sensors, new opportunities

Ever since the discovery of radioactivity by Henri Becquerel in the late 19th century, understanding radioactivity has relied heavily on the use of new technology for its detection and measurement. Studying the properties of radioactivity over the years revealed an elusive subatomic world escaping our human senses and laying the foundation to formulate quantum mechanics....

Seraphinite AcceleratorOptimized by Seraphinite Accelerator
Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.