
ramones_eu Archives - RAMONES Project

RAMONES Hackathon Achieves Great Success!

The RAMONES Hackathon at the NKUA Department of Physics on 5-12-24 was a huge success! The four competing teams comprised of students and young researchers excelled in various thematic areas, giving their best and creating very interesting presentations related to the challenges: Visualizing marine radioactivity data at a global or local scale, forecasting radioactivity based...

International Conference of Applied Nuclear Physics 2024 with RAMONES presence

RAMONES representatives are participating in the International Conference of Applied Nuclear Physics taking place in Thessaloniki during 23-27 September 2024! The NKUA representatives of RAMONES (Prof. Theo J. Mertzimekis and PhD candidate Georgios Siltzovalis) showcased the innovative aspects of the project and initiated discussions for future collaborations with specialists form around the world. Key countries...

RAMONES project is joining the Thessaloniki International Fair 2024!

The Thessaloniki International Fair is a very important event that gathers together many stakeholders, including government officials, business leaders, industry experts, and international organizations, fostering collaboration and promoting economic growth. It serves as a platform for showcasing innovative products, technological advancements, and new business opportunities, while also facilitating networking and discussions on key global and...

RAMONES presence in two important events

The RAMONES partners Dr. Angellos Mallios (PLOATECH) and Dr. Makis Douskos (NTUA) participated in the International Underwater Glider Conference (IUGC2024) in Gothenburg, Sweden on June and 2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) in Athens, Greece on July respectively. PLOATECH & WHOI presented “Towards radioactivity monitoring in confined environments”, giving details about the...


RAMONES project representative Dr. Angelos Mallios (PLOATECH) delivered an engaging presentation at MARTECH 2024, highlighting the custom payload of the underwater glider designed for long-term radioactivity measurements. The 11th International Workshop on Marine Technology brought together scientists and stakeholders to exchange insights on the latest advancements and cutting-edge research in several fields of MARine TECHnology!...

RAMONES collaborates with the Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

We are pleased to provide an update on our progress with the RAMONES project at the Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Our current focus has been on preparing the A-TIRMA sail drone for upcoming experiments. Significant advancements have been made, including the installation of crucial communication and navigation components, ensuring readiness for remote...

PLASTIC FANTASTIC Hackathon was an excellent opportunity for networking and collaboration!

Ramones partners, our coordinator, Assoc. Prof. Theo J. Mertzimekis, NKUA, and WP6 leader Eleni Petra participated as Experts in the international online REMEDIES Hackathon & Acceleration Program “PLASTIC FANTASTIC” starting on April 10th. Organised by the Impact Hub Athens the hackathon & bootcamp brought together experts tackling issues on environmental innovation and developing solutions regarding...

RAMONES 2nd workshop in Athens

The 2nd workshop of RAMONES project was conducted in Athens during 17-18/01/2024 and proved to be a resounding success. During this event, we engaged in meaningful discussions surrounding different aspects of our project, including the progress of our instruments, forthcoming tests, and our overarching accomplishments. We had insightful talks about the recommendations and remarks for...

POIS2ON: The innovative forecasting support system of RAMONES project

One of the RAMONES EU project innovations is the “POIS2ON” that stands for ‘PrOtotype Information System for SOcioecoNomic stakeholders’ designed by our partner Prof. Konstantinos Nikolopoulos (UDUR). This forecasting support system is a distributed Repository for recorded time series that forecast the aggregated time series with statistical and machine learning methods. It will also include...

Seraphinite AcceleratorOptimized by Seraphinite Accelerator
Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.