
novel instruments Archives - RAMONES Project

RAMONES presence in two important events

The RAMONES partners Dr. Angellos Mallios (PLOATECH) and Dr. Makis Douskos (NTUA) participated in the International Underwater Glider Conference (IUGC2024) in Gothenburg, Sweden on June and 2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) in Athens, Greece on July respectively. PLOATECH & WHOI presented “Towards radioactivity monitoring in confined environments”, giving details about the...

RAMONES first glider deployment

The RAMONES team are working hard for the first glider deployment in the marine environment in Portugal! All the partners of the project NTUA, PLOATECH, IST-ID are involved in the water fieldtests in order to test the glider and the sensors and software this device contains. A major milestone for our project has been achieved!...

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Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.