
marine Archives - RAMONES Project

RAMONES Field Work in Santorini and Kolumbo

Between sea and shore, sun and wind, salt and sand, the RAMONES team have gathered in full assembly for the final demo trials in the volcanic island of Santorini in the second half of October. The research team have optimized and deployed all technologies developed through the project timeline, paying attention to all critical details...

2nd RAMONES webinar “Autonomous Marine Robotics for Collaborative Radioactivity Mapping”

The 2nd RAMONES webinar with title “Autonomous Marine Robotics for Collaborative Radioactivity Mapping” was organized on May 3rd, 2023. The keynote speaker was RAMONES partner Dr. David Cabecinhas (IST-ID, Lisbon) who eagerly presented the work that has been done in the WP2 of our project! Watch the video on the following link and learn more...

RAMONES first glider deployment

The RAMONES team are working hard for the first glider deployment in the marine environment in Portugal! All the partners of the project NTUA, PLOATECH, IST-ID are involved in the water fieldtests in order to test the glider and the sensors and software this device contains. A major milestone for our project has been achieved!...

RAMONES @ NextOcean

Our WP6 Leader, Ms Eleni Petra, has represented RAMONES in an online event organized by the EU project NextOcean. NextOcean provides accurate, verifiable data focusing on the impact of fisheries and aquaculture. The impact is assessed via high-resolution data that give clear insights on the environmental footprint by combining state of the art processing algorithms...


RAMONES partners, from IST-ID (L. Sebastião, D. Cabecinhas, J. Quintas, D. Souto, M. Jacinto, F. Rego) participated  in the “FICA2021, International Science Festival,” from 12-17 October 2021, in Oeiras, Portugal. This festival was the first International Science Festival in Portugal. It was the first edition of an event that was born within the science and...

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