
instruments Archives - RAMONES Project

RAMONES Field Work in Santorini and Kolumbo

Between sea and shore, sun and wind, salt and sand, the RAMONES team have gathered in full assembly for the final demo trials in the volcanic island of Santorini in the second half of October. The research team have optimized and deployed all technologies developed through the project timeline, paying attention to all critical details...

RAMONES 2nd workshop in Athens

The 2nd workshop of RAMONES project was conducted in Athens during 17-18/01/2024 and proved to be a resounding success. During this event, we engaged in meaningful discussions surrounding different aspects of our project, including the progress of our instruments, forthcoming tests, and our overarching accomplishments. We had insightful talks about the recommendations and remarks for...

RAMONES @LARSyS Annual Meeting

The RAMONES project was presented at the 2022 LARSyS Annual Meeting, held in the Sciences Academy of Lisbonon July 14. The scope of the project was analysed and the instruments that will be developed were presented in a brief overview.

RAMONES first instruments arrive at the lab

We are very happy to have the first wave of radiation detectors delivered to the NKUA lab premises. The γ-ray detectors will be the main instruments to carry out research in RAMONES and help us meet our objectives. Lots of work needs to be done (simulations, calibrations, lab and field testing) before final deployment aboard...

Seraphinite AcceleratorOptimized by Seraphinite Accelerator
Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.