
gamma radiation Archives - RAMONES Project

The RAMONES glider is set to embark for Santorini!

Ready to go! The RAMONES glider is ready to sail to Santorini, Greece, for the experiments of the final stage of the project! The development of both hardware and software was a collaborative effort between partners IST (Portugal), NTUA (Greece), Evologics (Germany), and PLOATECH (Spain), spanning almost four years. Following successful water trials, the glider...

Glider fieldtests performed in Lisbon

The RAMONES team had a great opportunity to work together in Lisbon to evaluate the glider’s hardware and software. The RAMONES partners from IST (Portugal), NTUA (Greece), Evologics (Germany) and PLOATECH (Spain) were involved in the work and experiments performed in IST-ID facilities in Lisbon (Doca dos Olivais) and later at the Castelo de Bode...

RAMONES first instruments arrive at the lab

We are very happy to have the first wave of radiation detectors delivered to the NKUA lab premises. The γ-ray detectors will be the main instruments to carry out research in RAMONES and help us meet our objectives. Lots of work needs to be done (simulations, calibrations, lab and field testing) before final deployment aboard...

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