
environment Archives - RAMONES Project

RAMONES Hackathon Achieves Great Success!

The RAMONES Hackathon at the NKUA Department of Physics on 5-12-24 was a huge success! The four competing teams comprised of students and young researchers excelled in various thematic areas, giving their best and creating very interesting presentations related to the challenges: Visualizing marine radioactivity data at a global or local scale, forecasting radioactivity based...

RAMONES in the 6th ICRER 2024

The RAMONES partners from ‘Laboratoire de Physique de Clermont Auvergne’ at CNRS-IN2P3, affiliated with the University of Clermont Auvergne in France, participated in the 6th International Conference on Radioecology & Environmental Radioactivity (ICRER 2024) in Marseille. The UCA partners presented their research on the ‘GATE MARIM’ database, which was developed for the scope of the...

The RAMONES glider is set to embark for Santorini!

Ready to go! The RAMONES glider is ready to sail to Santorini, Greece, for the experiments of the final stage of the project! The development of both hardware and software was a collaborative effort between partners IST (Portugal), NTUA (Greece), Evologics (Germany), and PLOATECH (Spain), spanning almost four years. Following successful water trials, the glider...

RAMONES project is joining the Thessaloniki International Fair 2024!

The Thessaloniki International Fair is a very important event that gathers together many stakeholders, including government officials, business leaders, industry experts, and international organizations, fostering collaboration and promoting economic growth. It serves as a platform for showcasing innovative products, technological advancements, and new business opportunities, while also facilitating networking and discussions on key global and...

The International Summer School on Environmental Intelligence was held in Methana (Greece)

The International Summer School for students and researchers from European universities was successfully held on July 3-7 in Methana within the framework of the European RAMONES project (https://ramones-project.eu). The summer school focused on Environmental Intelligence, aiming to: Activate new approaches for monitoring, analyzing, and managing critical resources in Europe. Monitor environmental radioactivity in marine environments...

RAMONES presence in two important events

The RAMONES partners Dr. Angellos Mallios (PLOATECH) and Dr. Makis Douskos (NTUA) participated in the International Underwater Glider Conference (IUGC2024) in Gothenburg, Sweden on June and 2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) in Athens, Greece on July respectively. PLOATECH & WHOI presented “Towards radioactivity monitoring in confined environments”, giving details about the...

Summer School on Environmental Intelligence will be held in Valencia

Great news for the Environmental Intelligence community! The summer school on environmental intelligence will be held in Valencia from June 19-21, and promises to be an exciting event with a captivating agenda featuring cutting-edge environmental topics and scientific innovations. The agenda will feature representatives from the research projects RAMONES, WatchPlant, SMARTLAGOON, I-Seed, and ReSET, who...

RAMONES Summer School on Environmental Intelligence

We invite you all to the RAMONES Summer School on Environmental Intelligence, from July 3rd to July 7th, 2024, at the Methana Peninsula near Athens. This event, part of the RAMONES project (EU Horizon 2020, Grant No. 101017808), focuses on radioactivity monitoring, marine robotics, and marine engineering. Our summer school aims to unite students, researchers,...

RAMONES collaborates with the Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

We are pleased to provide an update on our progress with the RAMONES project at the Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Our current focus has been on preparing the A-TIRMA sail drone for upcoming experiments. Significant advancements have been made, including the installation of crucial communication and navigation components, ensuring readiness for remote...

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